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Zeus and Hera
Zeus and Hera - The god of the sky
and ruler of the gods of Mount Olympus. He overthrew his father and assumed
the leadership of the gods of Olympus. Zeus was considered the father of
the gods and of mortals. He did not create either gods or mortals; he was
their father in the sense of
being the protector and ruler both of the Olympian
family and of the human race. His weapon was a thunderbolt. His breastplate
was the aegis, his bird the eagle, his tree the oak. He was married to
Hera but, is famous for his many affairs, which resulted in many known
children and probably many
more that were not known to be his. Athena was
his favorite child. He bore her alone from his head. One of the greatest
feasts for Zeus was the Olympic games. They were taking place every four
years in Olympia. Even if there was a war between the city-states of Greece
they were stopping the
war to take part on that games. Hera's marriage
was founded in strife with Zeus and continued in strife. Writers represented
Hera as
constantly being jealous of Zeus's various amorous
affairs. She punished her rivals and their children, among both goddesses
and mortals, with implacable fury. The peacock (the symbol of pride; her
wagon was pulled by peacocks) and the cow (she was also known as Bopis,
"cow-eyed", which was later translated as "with
big eyes") were her sacred animals. Her favorite city was Argos.